Champions of Sports offers basketball tournaments and camps for student athletes across the nation.
A protest should be reported immediately so that it may be heard in a timely manner. Any protest of player eligibility must be made prior to a game. Failure to protest eligibility prior to a game will waive a team’s opportunity to protest any player’s eligibility for that game. All protests must be in writing and accompanied by the official protest fee of $75 cash. This fee is refundable only if the matter is ruled in the favor of the protesting party. The ruling on a protest will be made by the Tournament Director and is final and binding on all participants in the event.
Player Eligibility:
Age/ Grade Based Eligibility: Champions of Sports will use the new AAU age eligibility rules. Each grade division consists of a 12 month age window which determines an athletes’ participation in that division. If an athletes’ age is outside the 12 month window for their grade, the athlete must play up to the grade division that is normal and customary for their age. IF an athlete is in any grade above what is normal and customary for their age, an athlete may play down provided they meet the established criteria. Proof of player eligibility is the responsibility of the team coach. Eligibility WILL be checked on all protest. Acceptable proofs of age are clean photocopies of birth certificate, adoption papers, or immigration papers and a current school report card.
Playing up: A player may play in a higher grade division.
Playing on Multiple Teams: A player can play in more than one grade division of any tournament provided the player is grade eligible for each division in which the player participates.
The Tournament Director shall apply the Player Eligibility Rules in such a manner as the Tournament Director deems appropriate to uphold not only the letter but the spirit of such rules and all teams shall be bound by any such application. Original Roster ONLY!

Game Forfeiture Policy:
Teams participating in an event expect their opponent to be as diligent and consciences as their team in being on time and prepared to participate in ALL scheduled games. Tournament play requires games to be played early morning and late evening, which may not always be convenient for the participating teams, but that is the nature of tournament play nonetheless. One of the most disappointing incidents for a team is to have the opponent fail to show for a scheduled game. To minimize the occurrence of forfeited games and to address the matter with the participating teams, this tournament has adopted these Game Forfeiture Rules.

Team Forfeit Penalty:
When a team forfeits a game in any tournament, the team receives a loss for the scheduled game. A team forfeiting any game is still expected to play any and all subsequently scheduled games. The team forfeits any team or individual awards given for participation in the forfeited game. A game called by a game official or Tournament Director due to the misconduct of a player, coach or fan shall be deemed a forfeiture by such team for purposes of this policy. The forfeit penalty rules may be modified or waived by the Tournament Director in the event of extenuating circumstances. Factors considered will include communications from the teams as to their unavailability to play the scheduled game, the timing of such communications, the circumstances causing the forfeiture and such other considerations deemed relevant by the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director’s decision as to the application of the Forfeiture Rules shall be binding upon all parties.
Game Rules:
The tournament director will send game rules to all registered teams/coaches the week of the tournament.